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Gediscontinueerde luidsprekers, hetzelfde geweldige geluid


Win de perfecte filmavond thuis

Doe nu mee en maak kans op het winnen van een paar LS60 Wireless-luidsprekers, een jaar lang gratis MUBI, en heerlijke popcorn van Joe & Seph’s.


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  1. The 10% off Mu7 Noise Cancelling Over-ear Wireless Headphones and Mu3 Noise-Cancelling True Wireless Earphones coupon code will be sent to you upon signing up to receive KEF updates and is applicable to purchases made at
  2. The voucher code will be sent to you from within 24 hours of opting in to receive KEF Updates. Please add this address to your safe list.
  3. The offer can only be used once on either Mu7 Noise-Cancelling Over-ear Wireless Headphones or Mu3 Noise-Cancelling True Wireless Earphones.
  4. This offer may not be used in conjunction with any other price or product promotion or exchanged for a cash alternative.
  5. The offer is valid from now until 31 December 2023.
  6. KEF reserves the right to withdraw, amend or cancel this promotion at any time, E&OE.
  7. KEF reserves the right to change any and all terms of this promotion without prior notice and reserves the right to make the final decision in the event of any dispute.
  8. KEF shall use and take care of any personal information in line with its Privacy Policy here.
  9. Please write to us at if you have any questions or need further clarification. 
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